Phnom Penh: Ten young Cambodian politicians and activists are set to visit Japan from March 12 to 19 as part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan’s youth exchange programme, JENESYS (Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths).
According to Agence Kampuchea Presse, H.E. Uneo Atsushi, the Japanese Ambassador to Cambodia, organized a send-off ceremony at his residence for the delegation. The group includes two representatives from the ruling party, seven from opposition parties, and one from a civil society organization.
The embassy stated that the programme has been running since 2018 with the aim of supporting Cambodia’s democratic development. It seeks to promote dialogue among the ruling party, opposition parties, and other stakeholders. This upcoming visit marks the seventh delegation under the initiative.
During their stay, the Cambodian participants will visit the National Diet and engage in discussions with members of the Japan-Cambodia Friendship League. They will also witness the election of the governor of Chiba Prefecture, among other activities.