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Wildlife Alliance Nurtures Over 500,000 Saplings for Cambodia’s ‘Green Sprouts’ Initiative

Phnom Penh: Reforestation efforts play a crucial role in restoring forests, greening public spaces, and improving human livelihoods. In support of the Ministry of Environment’s ‘Green Sprouts’ campaign, Wildlife Alliance Cambodia has successfully grown and nurtured over 500,000 tree saplings at two major tree nurseries within the Cardamom Mountains National Park.

According to Agence Kampuchea Presse, the large-scale tree nurseries are located in Chi Phat commune, Thmar Bang district, Koh Kong province, and O’ Som commune, Veal Veng district, Pursat province. These nurseries house over 500,000 saplings across 21 different species, ensuring alignment with the objectives of the ‘Green Sprouts’ campaign. Notably, seven endangered tree species, including Kronhoung, Neang Nuon, Beng, Thnong, Chheu Teal, Kakoh, and Koki, are being cultivated to prevent their extinction.

Ath Noch, Head of the Wildlife Alliance Tree Nursery Programme, explains that this initiative encourages Cambodians to develop a love for trees, nature, and environmental conservation. Beyond ecological benefits, it also provides sustainable livelihoods for local communities, reducing illegal logging and wildlife poaching.

The project has created employment opportunities, particularly for former loggers and poachers, offering them an alternative way to support their families. ‘In the past, my husband and I used to enter the forest to cut down trees and hunt wildlife,’ shared Thy Sreylin, a staff member at the Chhay Voirpen Nursery. ‘Now, working here has changed our lives. We understand the value of trees and wildlife and have grown to love and protect them.’

Another participant, Yin Sokthy, echoed this sentiment, stating that the project has improved her family’s quality of life. Previously, they relied on illegal forest activities, but now they can work near their home and family while contributing to environmental preservation.

Wildlife Alliance aims to distribute these saplings to local communities, provincial administrations, authorities, and the public to plant in deforested areas, protected zones, and public spaces. The organisation highlights the vital role of forests in reducing carbon emissions, regulating ecosystems, and supporting biodiversity. Beyond their practical uses, trees serve as natural carbon sinks, absorbing greenhouse gases and mitigating climate change.

This reforestation initiative is a crucial step in strengthening Cambodia’s green infrastructure and promoting sustainable environmental practices.