Vietnam, Canada cooperate in peacekeeping operations

Hanoi: Vietnam and Canada have recently co-organised the UN logistics officer course within the framework of the latter’s Military Training & Cooperation Programme (MTCP).

This is the second time Vietnam and Canada have co-hosted the course at the Vietnam Department of Peacekeeping Operations. It is also the second international intensive training course on UN peacekeeping held in the country with the coordination of Vietnam and Canada in the context of Vietnam’s increasingly extensive participation in UN peacekeeping activities.

Senior Lieutenant General Phung Si Tan, Deputy Chief of General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army, said that the course, from October 27 to November 10, is a good chance for lecturers and trainees of Vietnam and partner countries of the MTCP to meet and exchange experience in ensuring logistics at UN peacekeeping missions.

It sees the participation of six lecturers from Canada, and around 40 trainees from Bangladesh, Indonesia, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.

Canada is one of the countries with many practical contributions to UN peacekeeping operations, with over 125,000 soldiers and police deployed.

In late 2017, Vietnam, Canada and the Republic of Korea (RoK) successfully co-chaired an international conference on UN peacekeeping within the framework of the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) for the first time at the Vietnamese department. In December 2017, Vietnam became a member of Canada’s MTCP./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency