Seat Installation at National Stadium, 80 Percent Complete

The installation of standard seats “backrest” at the National Olympic Stadium (NOS) is now 80 percent complete.

The update was shared with AKP by Mr. Keo Sareth, Secretary General of the Football Federation of Cambodia (FFC), adding that the equipped backrests are in line with the standards of FIFA and AFC, with the financial support of the ASEAN Football Federation (AFF).

With a Khmer-style design, the seat installation in the 60-year-old stadium is expected to finish later this month.

There is a total of 30,000 seats at the stadium, including 25,000 for the roofless area and the rest 5,000 for VIPs.

The new seats will better ensure safety for supporters and meet international sports standards.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse