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SEA Games 2023: Cambodia Wins a Gold Medal for Taqball

Cambodia won four medals for Men’s Single, Women’s Doubles, Mixed Doubles, and Men’s Doubles of Taqball held at the Federation of Youth Hall at a part of the SEA Game 2023 in Phnom Penh this afternoon.

Cambodia attained one gold medal for Men’s Single by athlete Riem Sokphirom who lost to his Indonesian counterpart Yoga Ardika Putra 9-12 for Set 1, but took the lead and overcame his counterpart 12-6 for Set 2, making Cambodia manage to catch up with Indonesia.

Set 3 was the most interesting competition as both sides reached set point three times, Set 13, Set 15, and 16. Finally, Cambodian player Riem Sokphirom defeated his rival 16-14.

Besides, Cambodia got three silver medals for Women’s Doubles, Mixed Doubles, and Men’s Doubles.

Cambodian players Yorn Sophornreaksmey and Yem Neardey scored behind their Thai rivals Jutatip Kuntatong and Suphawadi Wongkhamchan 3-12 and 2-13 for Set 1 and Set 2 for Women’s Doubles.

For Mixed Doubles, Cambodian players Bun Thounvireak and Mey Sreymeas also got lower scores than their Thai opponents Phakpong De Jaroen and Suphawadi Wongkhamchan 3-12 and 6-12 for Set 1 and Set 2, respectively.

In addition, Cambodian athletes Bun Thuonvireak and Ol Ravy could not defeated their Thai competitors Phakpong De Jaroen and Uthen Kukheaw with the total score of 3-12 and 5-12 for Set 1 and Set 2, individually.

Taqball is a ball sports played on a curved table. The players hit a football back and forth with any part of the body except arms and hands with the forms of singles (two players) and doubles (four players).

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse