SAPA 129 Service upgraded to provide better protection: Minister

Jakarta (ANTARA) – Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) Minister Bintang Puspayoga activated an upgraded and nationally-integrated version of the Friend of Women and Children (SAPA) 129 Service to provide better protection for women and children.”SAPA 129 is a contact center dedicated for reporting cases involving women and children. Everyone can access it anywhere and at any time,” she remarked during the ceremony of the Integrated SAPA 129 Activation in Jakarta on Thursday. The integration extends the coverage of the service to all provinces in Indonesia by connecting people with relevant officers in their respective regions in the hopes of expediting the handling of cases involving women and children, she explained. By extending the coverage of SAPA 129 to all provinces in the country, the government aims to provide a higher level of convenience to the people in submitting reports on such cases, she remarked. “The PPPA Ministry seeks to synergize with related stakeholders in provinces to provide a dedicated reporting service for cases related to women and children,” she revealed. She expressed belief that an extended access to the service as well as synergy between central and regional governments could help people to get quick, accurate, and comprehensive handling of women- and children-related cases. The Integrated SAPA 129 Service constitutes an extended version of the SAPA 129 Service that has been operated by the PPPA Ministry since 2021. Last year, the ministry had received 2,346 reports on women-related cases and 957 reports on child-related cases submitted to the contact center. During the activation ceremony, Minister Puspayoga also appealed to stakeholders and public figures to play an active role in spreading information on the service, so that it can be optimized by all people. The minister then invited the public to unite to combat cases of violence against women and children and fight for justice for those who fell victims to such cases. “Together, we can bring about positive changes to them (victims). Hopefully, God will bless our good intentions,” she remarked. People can access the SAPA 129 Service via telephone on hotline number 129, WhatsApp number 08111129129, and SAPA 129 application that is available on Play Store.

Source: Antara News Agency