Samdech Techo Hun Sen Urges Collaborative Efforts to Fulfill Eight Important Directions

Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, President of the Supreme Privy Council to His Majesty the King and President of the ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP), has called for concerted efforts to achieve a number of key directions.

Addressing the mass meeting held here at Koh Pich Convention and Exhibition Centre this morning in commemoration of the 45th Anniversary of January 7 Victory Day over the Khmer Rouge Genocidal Regime (1979-2024), Samdech Techo Hun Sen said the next five years are the most important period to strengthen the foundations for sustainable, inclusive, and equitable development, to achieve Cambodia’s medium-term vision by 2030 and long-term by 2050. In this sense, he added, for the year 2024, the collaborative efforts must be collected to better fulfill eight key directions to:

1. Determine to protect the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Cambodia; to maintain peace, political stability, security, order and social security, and to guarantee al
l rights and freedoms of citizens based on the Constitution and the rule of law in place.

2. Protect the constitutional monarchy, the throne, the most revered His Majesty the King from abuse by anyone.

3. Promote the implementation of the political platform and the Pentagonal Strategy – Phase I of the 7th legislature Royal Government to achieve fruitful results according to the hopes and trust of the people.

4. Continue to maintain macroeconomic stability to ensure sustainable and inclusive growth through keeping inflation at manageable level, and stabilising the exchange rate, as well as deepening and sharpening reforms.

5. Maintain the balance of people’s livelihoods through the development and strengthening of the social protection system, which includes an effective and sustainable social assistance system and social security system that helps protect all people, especially poor families, vulnerable groups, and vulnerable to risks families from emergencies and crises without leaving any people unatten

6. Gather the total force of the whole nation to build the country and defend the motherland in accordance with the spirit of the Constitution, to realise the goal of maintaining peace and long-term development, defending independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, defending liberal democracy, pluralism and the rule of law, defending security, social order, and joining efforts to eradicate extremist politics from Cambodia through the implementation of the Agreements on Cooperation and Alliances between political parties, signed one Oct. 27. 2023 by the CPP with 27 other parties, as well as promoting the effective implementation of the mechanism of the Supreme Consultation and Recommendation Council (SCRC).

7. Support the election process of the 5th legislature, and the election of the Capital, Provincial, Municipal, District and Khan Councils of the 4th mandate to be successful, free, fair and just.

8. Continue to promote the implementation of foreign policy based on independence and internat
ional law, paying close attention to maintaining and promoting traditional friendly relations, solidarity and cooperation with neighbouring countries as well as with partner countries both in and outside the region, and continue active participation for the cause of peace, stability and the fight against global challenges.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse