Registered Political Parties to Kick Off Electoral Campaign Tomorrow

The 18 political parties registered for the upcoming 7th National Election will start to publicise their political agenda to voters tomorrow.

The election campaign will take place from July 1 to 21 while the election day will be on July 23.

This morning, the National Election Committee (NEC) held a meeting with stakeholders on the launch of the election campaign and the maintenance of security, safety and public order during the three-week-long election campaign under the presidency of H.E. Dim Sovannarom, a NEC’s member and Chairman of the NEC’s Press Reaction Team.

Public gatherings of political parties; marches or processions by pedestrians or by vehicles in the capital, provinces, cities, districts and Khan; small meetings; radio or television broadcasts or press publication; projection of VCDs, DVDs in public theaters or at public places; banner installation; leaflet distribution; and so on are considered activities of election campaign.

The 18 political parties are the ruling Cambodian People’s Party, Cambodian Youth Party, Khmer United National Party, Dharmacracy Party, Democracy Power Party, Cambodian Nationality Party, Khmer United Party, Khmer Conservative Party, FUNCINPEC Party, Beehive Social Democratic Party, People Purpose Party, Ekpheap Cheat Khmer Party, Women’s Party for Women, Khmer Anti-Poverty Party, Khmer Economic Development Party, Cambodia Indigenous People’s Democracy Party, Grassroots Democratic Party, and Khmer Farmers Party.

In a royal message released in February, His Majesty Preah Bat Samdech Preah Boromneath Norodom Sihamoni, King of Cambodia, called on all voters to go to the polls without any worries about oppression, threats or intimidation from anyone or any political party in order to elect the national leaders for the development and prosperity of all fields.

Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen has recently appealed for non-violence during the pollical race and urged the competent authorities at all levels to maintain neutrality for all political parties.

According to NEC, a total of 9,710,645 eligible voters, of them 5,161,906 are women, will cast their votes in 23,789 polling stations across the country.

The 6th general elections took place on July 29, 2018 in 22,967 polling stations across the country with the participation of 20 political parties. The ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) won a landslide victory.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse (AKP)