Presidential office raps DP for spreading ‘groundless’ martial law plan

The presidential office lambasted the main opposition Democratic Party (DP) on Monday for spreading false rumors about the government allegedly planning to declare martial law.

Presidential spokesperson Jeong Hye-jeon condemned DP leader Lee Jae-myung for raising the allegations during a live broadcast meeting with ruling People Power Party leader Han Dong-hoon on Sunday.

“We are appalled that the leader of a major political party would spread fabricated rumors on live television,” Jeong said in a press briefing. “If there is even a shred of evidence, please present it.”

Presidential spokesperson Jeong Hye-jeon speaks during a press briefing at the presidential office in Seoul on Sept. 2, 2024. (Yonhap)

Jeong questioned whether the DP is spreading the rumors as part of a broader propaganda campaign focused on the radical idea of President Yoon Suk Yeol’s impeachment, vowing to sternly deal with its attempts to manipulate public opinion with baseless claims.

“Is this part of a buildup to (Yoon’s) impeach
ment?” Jeong asked, adding that if there is no evidence, the DP should be labeled a “party of fake news.”

Under the Constitution, the president can declare martial law in response to military needs during times of war, armed conflict, a national emergency, or when public safety and order require it. Such a declaration would allow for restrictions on certain freedoms, including those related to the press, publication, assembly and the powers of the government or courts.

Martial law, however, can be lifted if a majority of the National Assembly demands its termination.

With 170 seats in the 300-member National Assembly, the DP has the capacity to revoke martial law with a majority vote.

Source: Yonhap News Agency