PM Calls on Local Authorities to Take Swift Action against Gambling

Samdech Moha Borvor Thipadei Hun Manet, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, has ordered all the capital and provincial governors to immediately inspect and take action against the opening of new gambling venues.

According to his rare voice message on Feb. 14, Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet mentioned that about three weeks ago, he has issued an order to suspend the issuance of licences of new gambling venues at the local level.

He also instructed the Commercial Gambling Management Commission under the Ministry of Economy and Finance to convene an emergency meeting with the provincial and capital authorities and all stakeholders to review the principles and measures for the management of all kinds of gambling throughout the country.

‘I would like to urge the capital and provincial governors to take immediate action to control the gambling venues at the local level in their jurisdiction. In case new gambling venues continue to be opened, please shut them down immediately and report directly to me for furt
her measures toward the revocation of licences in the province or in the whole country,’ he underlined.

This is the time that all parties must join hands to implement the Royal Government’s policies […] to boost the country’s development and improve the local people’s living standard, but it is not the time to deploy gambling venues everywhere, stressed the Premier.

Source:Agence Kampuchea Presse