Party leader holds talks with US President

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong held talks with visiting US President Joseph Biden in Hanoi on September 10.

Welcoming the US President’s visit on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Vietnam-US Comprehensive Partnership, the Party leader said that the visit carries a special meaning, providing a chance for the two sides to discuss the bilateral relations and international issues for the interest of the two peoples, contributing to peace, cooperation and sustainable development in the region and the world.

He recalled the good memories of his conversation with Biden during his visit to the US in July 2015, and appreciated their discussions over the past years. The Vietnamese Party leader also thanked the US President for sending him an invitation in June to visit the US again.

General Secretary Trong highlighted the achievements that Vietnam has gained from nearly 40 years of comprehensive reform for the goals of wealthy people, strong country, democracy, equality, and civilisation in the directions of boosting economic development, achieving social progress and equality, promoting the building of a law-governed socialist State and actively and positively integrating into the world.

The Party chief congratulated the US on the important socioeconomic attainments that the country has gained under the leadership of President Biden, and lauded contributions by the US to the promotion of global cooperation in dealing with major challenges in health care, environment, climate change and food security.

He affirmed Vietnam’s consistent foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, peace, friendship, cooperation and development, diversification and multilateralisation of external relations, active and comprehensive international integration, and being a friend, a trustworthy partner as well as an active and responsible member of the international community.

Vietnam follows the “four nos” defence policy. Regarding complicated situations and international conflicts, Vietnam hopes that all parties engage in dialogue and settle issues peacefully on the basis of respect to fundamental principles of international law and the UN Charter, he stated.

Vietnam highly values the US’s stance of supporting the stance of Vietnam and the ASEAN on the East Sea issue, General Secretary Trong said, asking the US to continue supporting and making positive contributions to peace, security, cooperation and ensuring maritime and aviation freedom, the legitimate and legal interests of states in the East Sea, no use of or threat of the use of force, no actions against international law that can complicate the situation, settlement of disputes through peaceful measures, the implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), the early signing of an effective Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC) in accordance with international law, including the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 (UNCLOS).

Party General Secretary Trong recalled that Vietnam cooperated with the US to fight fascism during World War II. President Ho Chi Minh quoted part of the US Declaration of Independence right in the opening part of Vietnam’s Declaration of Independence and sent a letter to the US administration requesting to establish full relations with the country.

However, the bilateral relationship experienced a lot of ups and downs, especially during the longest and fiercest war after World War II in the 20th century.

Vietnam is delighted that since the two countries normalised their relations in 1995, and especially since they set up their Comprehensive Partnership in 2013, the bilateral ties have enjoyed strong, in-depth, substantial and effective progresses, said Trong.

On these important foundations, in the interests of the people of the two countries and in the hope to strengthen cooperation towards the goals of peace, cooperation and sustainable development in the new period, Vietnam welcomes the two countries’ establishment of a partnership on a new height – the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership for peace, cooperation and sustainable development, the Party chief underscored.

Trong and Biden agreed that the past reality showed that the leading important factors for the growth of the Vietnam-US relations include the full respect for fundamental principles guiding the bilateral relationship, including respect for the UN Charter, international law and each other’s political institution, independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Trong stressed the significance of the understanding of each other and each other’s situation, respect for each other’s legitimate interest and non-interference into each other’s internal affairs.

The specific motto for the Vietnam-US relationship development is “to put the past aside, overcome differences, promote similarities and head to the future”. Vietnam values the US’s affirmation to support a strong, independent, self-reliant and prosperous Vietnam, he said.

The Vietnamese Party chief spoke highly of the contents agreed by the two countries’ leaders on a joint declaration on elevating the Vietnam – US relations to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership for Peace, Cooperation and Sustainable Development.

Accordingly, Trong emphasised a number of major orientations to further promote the bilateral relations, including continuing to strengthen mutual understanding, adhering to guiding principles, creating long-term stability, enhancing high-level meetings, meetings between sectors and at all levels, and people-to-people exchanges.

He welcomed the strong promotion of economic – trade – investment cooperation and inclusive economic growth in the direction of innovation continuing to be the key foundation and driver for bilateral relations. He also applauded the two sides’ agreement to create a breakthrough in cooperation in science and technology.

President Biden expressed his joy to visit Vietnam and to meet General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong again.

The visit holds a historical significance not only for the relationship between the two countries, but also for the Indo-Pacific region and the world, he stressed, stating the US’s stance on supporting an open, stable, secure, connected and prosperous region.

The US President emphasised that his country attaches importance to Vietnam’s role and position in the region, and values Vietnam’s active role in many regional and global issues, including responding to climate change.

He affirmed the support for ASEAN’s central role and expressed the desire to cooperate with Vietnam to contribute to the bloc’s solidarity and prosperity.

Biden underlined that the East Sea has an important position for international prosperity and stability, and reaffirming the US’s position on the East Sea.

He also noted the importance that the US attaches to the goals of the Indo-Pacific economic cooperation framework.

The President hailed Vietnam’s development achievements, its contributions to international affairs, as well as the contributions and leadership role of General Secretary Trong in particular.

He expressed the support for Vietnam’s development, including economic and scientific and technological cooperation in the new period, development of the electronics industry, climate change response, and clean energy development.

He applauded the elevation of the bilateral relations to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, which he said benefits both countries as well as common international interests.

The two leaders agreed that the important results of the talks and of the visit by President Biden will contribute positively to the development of bilateral relations in the new period for the benefit of the two peoples, and for peace and stability, and sustainable development.

Party General Secretary Trong and President Biden then announced the main outcomes of their talks to the press./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency