Azerbaijani currency rates for October 11

  BAKU, Azerbaijan, October 11.The official exchange rate of the US dollar and euro against Azerbaijani manat as of October 11, 2022 is set at 1.7 and 1.6453 manat, respectively, Trend reports via Central Bank of Azerbaijan (CBA). According to CBA the manat rate to other currencies on October 11 is as follows: Currencies Official exchange rate…

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Iranian currency rates for October 11

BAKU, Azerbaijan, October 11. The Central Bank of Iran (CBI) announced an official rate of foreign currencies on October 11, Trend reports referring to CBI. According to the currency exchange rate of the Central Bank of Iran, 10 currencies increased and 28 have decreased in price, compared to October 10. According to CBI, $1 equals 42,000 Iranian rials…

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Last round of International Debate Championship held in Uzbekistan

According to the memorandum recently signed between the Eurasian Regional Center of the Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF-ERC) and the Youth Affairs Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the next round of the ICYF-ERC International Debate Championship was held in Tashkent with the organization of both institutions and the support of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan, Youth…

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