Azerbaijani currency rates for October 21

BAKU, Azerbaijan, October 21.The official exchange rate of the US dollar and euro against Azerbaijani manat as of October 21, 2022 is set at 1.7 and 1.6606 manat, respectively, Trend reports via Central Bank of Azerbaijan (CBA). According to CBA the manat rate to other currencies on October 21 is as follows: Currencies Official exchange rate 1…

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Kazakhstan names new ambassadors to Switzerland, Austria and Singapore

President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jormart Tokayev appointed new ambassadors to Switzerland, Austria and Singapore, the Akorda press service said on October 21, Trend reports citing Kazinform. President of Kazakhstan decreed to appoint Alibek Bakayev as the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Austria, Permanent Representative of Kazakhstan to the international organizations in Vienna and relieved him of his…

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Azerbaijani currency rates for October 20

BAKU, Azerbaijan, October 20. The official exchange rate of the US dollar and euro against Azerbaijani manat as of October 20, 2022 is set at 1.7 and 1.6625 manat, respectively, Trend reports via Central Bank of Azerbaijan (CBA). According to CBA, the manat rate to other currencies on October 20 is as follows: Currencies Official exchange rate 1…

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