Lomphat: The White-shouldered Ibis is a critically endangered bird species but its nesting numbers at Lomphat Wildlife Sanctuary (LWS) is showing growth.
According to Agence Kampuchea Presse, In the 2023-2024 breeding season, it pointed out, 13 nests were recorded, while in 2024-2025, this number increased to 16-three more than last year.
Nesting success has also improved significantly, with 6 nests failed, 7 nests producing 13 fledglings in 2023-2024, compared to 2 nests failed, 13 nests with 30 fledglings this season, plus one nest still in incubation, the source added.
‘This marks an increase of 17 chicks! The rise in nesting activity can be attributed to the high-quality habitat at LWS, which offers essential resources such as natural Trapaeng (waterholes), nesting and roosting trees, abundance rice fields for foraging, and restored Trapaeng that help maintain water levels during the dry season, particularly at Sre Chrey and Rayor villages,’ the NatureLife Cambodia said.
However, it continued, challenges remain, including disturbances from human activities near nesting sites, nest predation, and the impacts of climate change. Despite these challenges, ongoing conservation efforts are making a real difference, and NatureLife Cambodia and Ministry of Environment are working hard to protect this unique forest for the next generation.
Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse