New Prime Minister Releases Government’s Political Platform to the Lawmakers and the Public

H.E. Kitti Tesaphibal Pundit Hun Manet, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, this morning released the new Royal Government’s Political Platform, after the National Assembly (NA) casted its vote of confidence for the new cabinet members.

H.E. Kitti Tesaphibal Pundit Hun Manet stated that this political platform is based on the Cambodian People’s Party’s “Political Platform for Nation Building and Defence 2023-2028”, that has been announced for supports during the July election.

“I would like to respectfully submit to the National Assembly the ‘Political Platform of the Royal Government of Cambodia of the Seventh Legislature of the National Assembly’ in writing, and request permission to record this important document in the official Minutes of the plenary session of the National Assembly, upon your kind approval,” he underlined.

The content of the “Political Platform” which is being presented to the NA, and through the NA, to the people and the general public, reflects the Royal Government of Cambodia’s aspiration, ideals and its strong determination to serve the nation and its people at all circumstances, he said, adding, “it also clearly illustrates the Royal Government of Cambodia’s visions and policies to protect and build our motherland toward a glorious future, just as what our people aspired.”

H.E. Kitti Tesaphibal Pundit Hun Manet took the opportunity to highlight the Five Guarantees from the Royal Government of Cambodia to all the compatriots, through the implementation of the “Political Platform” as embarked on the next journey of the Seventh Legislature of NA:

“1. Ensuring the absolute protection of peace, stability, security and safety for the well-being of the people; as well as the protection of independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity so that no one can infringe or sabotage it.

2. Ensuring socio-economic development across all sectors by focusing on: governance reform through moulding our public institutions into ones that are highly capable, strong, smart and clean, while the rule of law, social justice as well as the efficiency and quality of public services are strengthened; strengthening a stable macroeconomic environment that is resilient to crises while supporting high growth with sustainability, inclusiveness and integrity; continuing to prioritise human capital investment, especially through reforms in education and health sectors; promoting and increasing investment, both from public and private sectors, in necessary hard and soft infrastructures that will help attracting and supporting more economic activities while serving the people’s needs; paying attention to the development of informal economy, as well as the formation of a conducive environment for micro, small and medium enterprises, and startups to grow; promoting public-private partnerships; deepening and strengthening financial resilience, as well as expanding financial inclusiveness that aims to promote economic activities and investment through refining financing frameworks and mechanisms, as well as financial products and services’ diversification; and promoting digital transformation both in terms of social and economic development, etc.

3- Ensuring improvement of people’s livelihood by providing youth with high quality education and vocational training, as well as job opportunities; assisting farmers in expanding their production and helping them find markets to sell their agricultural products at reasonable price; continuing to raise minimum wage and other benefits along with better-improved working conditions and career protection; continuing to raise the minimum wage and pensions for all public servants, retirees and veterans, as well as developing a more efficient and comprehensive public sector’s payroll and incentive system that are based on meritocracy and aligned with the promotion of productivity, performance and livelihood of public servants, economic growth and the availability of national budget.

4- Ensuring social security and stability in people’s livelihood now and in the future by developing and strengthening a social protection system that includes effective and sustainable social assistance and social security systems to protect everyone, especially those from poor households, vulnerable groups and at-risk households, from crises and emergencies without leaving anyone unattended.

5- Ensuring more attentions to sustainable socio-economic development and building resilience to climate change by making the best use of demographic dividends and the strengthening Cambodia’s demographic resilience; promoting gender equality; sustainably managing natural resources; increasing sustainable financing that promotes green investment and economy; promoting climate-resilient and low-carbon public investment; and ensuring environmental sustainability, as well as the readiness to respond to climate change.”

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse