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National Olympic Stadium Almost Ready for SEA Games-ASEAN Para Games 2023

Sports infrastructures at the National Olympic Stadium (NOS) are almost ready to host 32nd SEA Games and the 12th ASEAN Para Games.

The update was shared by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Defence Samdech Pichey Sena Tea Banh, President of Cambodian SEA Games-ASEAN Para Games Organising Committees (CAMSOC-CAMAPGOC) while inspecting the NOS sports infrastructures on Apr. 6.

The NOS will accommodate nine sports including Men Football, Volleyball, Water Polo, Gymnastics, Petanque, Sepak Takraw, Soft Tennis, Weightlifting, and DanceSport.

Five locations in Cambodia have been prepared to host the games including the Morodok Techo National Stadium, the Olympic National Stadium, and the Chroy Changvar International Convention and Exhibition Centre in Phnom Penh, and other locations in the provinces of Kep, Kampot, Preah Sihanouk and Siem Reap.

A total of 36 sports and a demonstration sport (teqball) have been listed for the 32nd SEA Games and 13 for the 12th ASEAN Para Games.

Cambodia will host the 32nd SEA Games and the 12th ASEAN Para Games from May 5 to 17, 2023 and from Jun. 1 to 10, 2023 respectively, under the motto “Sport: Live in Peace”.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse (AKP)