National conference discusses implementation of NA supervision programme for 2024

The National Assembly (NA) Standing Committee held a national conference on the implementation of supervision programmes for 2024 in Hanoi on November 17 under the chair of NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue. Opening the event, NA Vice Chairman Tran Quang Phuong said that from the start of the 15th tenure, the NA Standing Committee has organised an annual conference on the implementation of the NA supervision programme for the following year, which is a step of the legislature to enhance its operational efficiency. Phuong said that the NA has chosen two topics for its supervision activities in 2024, which are the implementation of Resolution No. 43/2022/QH15 issued by the NA on January 11, 2022 on fiscal and monetary policies to support socio-economic recovery and development, and the NA resolutions on a number of important national projects until the end of 2023; and the implementation of policies and laws on the management of the real estate market and social housing development from 2015 to the end of 2023. The supervision result of first topic will be reported to the NA at the seventh session, and the second at the eighth session. Meanwhile, the NA Standing Committee's supervision programme for 2024 will cover the enforcement of policies and laws on renovating the organisational and management system, enhancing the quality and efficiency of operations of public non-business agencies in the 2018-2023, and the implementation of policies and laws related to traffic order and safety from 2009 to the end of 2023. The NA Vice Chairman asked participants to evaluate achievements and experience in supervision activities, while pointing out difficulties and shortcomings in the work as well as reasons behind them. At the same time, they should discuss coordination and measures to effectively implement supervision activities of the NA and NA Standing Committee in 2024, contributing to bringing policies and laws into life, meeting the aspirations of the people and voters, said Phuong. After the opening, NA General Secretar y and Chairman of the NA Office Bui Van Cuong delivered a report summing up the outcomes of the NA's supervision activities in 2023 and plans for the implementation of the 2024 supervision programme./. Source: Vietnam News Agency