Phnom Penh: Samdech Maha Rathsapheathika Thipadei Khuon Sudary, President of the National Assembly, convened with 300 women, including H.E. Dr. Ing Kantha Phavi, Minister for Women’s Affairs, to commemorate International Women’s Day. The gathering, which involved participants from 15 national and sub-national institutions, took place ahead of the official celebration on Saturday, focusing on the theme of Rights, Equality, and Empowerment for All Women and Girls.
According to Agence Kampuchea Presse, Samdech Khuon Sudary underscored the Royal Government of Cambodia and Parliament’s progress in promoting gender equality through legislative and policy measures. She presented ten strategic recommendations aimed at furthering gender equality in Cambodia. These recommendations include the implementation of the Neary Rattanak VI plan (2024-2028) with a focus on gender transformation, promoting social morality and the values of Cambodian women, and encouraging women’s participation in political and public life.
Further recommendations involve expanding economic empowerment programs for women, ensuring access to education and health services for girls, and implementing gender-responsive budgeting. The President also emphasized the importance of media campaigns to change social attitudes, encouraging women’s participation in STEM fields, enhancing digital literacy, and empowering women in climate-change initiatives. These comprehensive measures aim to integrate gender equality into all aspects of governance and societal development.