MISTI Prepares Officials, Water Operators for Climate-Resilient Water Supply

General Department of Potable Water (GDWAT) at the Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology and Innovation (MISTI) hosted a training session on Guidelines for Flood and Drought Resilient Water Supply.

Held at the ministry on Sept. 17, the training aimed to equip technical staff from provincial departments across all 25 capital-provinces with the ability to tackle challenges and apply effective strategies for managing water supply systems affected by floods and droughts, said a MISTI’s news release made public this morning.

The training provided participants with guidelines on the measures to take before, during, and after flood or drought events, the source continued, adding that it included strategies for the rehabilitation phase to ensure the restoration and maximisation of water supply services in the aftermath of a disaster.

Mr. Sreng Sokvung, Director of the Department of Technics and Project Management at GDWAT, emphasised the significance of the workshop in the face of climate change. ‘This trai
ning is a proactive measure to enhance the disaster preparedness of our water supply sector. It aims to strengthen the capacity of provincial officials to collaborate effectively and support Cambodian water operators in addressing and mitigating the impacts of risks driven by climate change,’ he said.

Cambodia currently has 11 water supply authorities and over 400 private water operators, servicing the populace across the country. In the 7th mandate of the government, MISTI is restrategising the sector development, focusing on enhancing water quality, service delivery and coverage areas.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse