“Make in Vietnam” innovative products introduced to global young parliamentarians

An exhibition themed “Khat vong Viet Nam” (Aspirations of Vietnam) kicked off at the National Convention Centre in Hanoi on September 14 as part of activities in the framework of the 9th Global Conference for Young Parliamentarians (GCYP).

Jointly hosted by the National Assembly and the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (HCYU) Central Committee, this is an important event to introduce and promote innovative and creative products imbued with Vietnamese cultural identity and traditions, and scientific and technological achievements in Vietnam’s digital transformation process.

In his opening speech, Chairman of the National Assembly’s Committee for External Relations Vu Hai Ha emphasised that from a backward agricultural country suffering from severe consequences of wars, Vietnam has made strong development steps since implementing the Doi Moi (renewal) policy. Vietnam completed millennium development goals (MDGs) ahead of schedule and the country is actively implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, he said, adding that sustainable development goals (SDGs) have been included in and concretised in Vietnam’s socio-economic development programmes and strategies.

In the context of complicated developments in the world and the risk of not realising SDGs in line with the set roadmap, digital transformation and innovation are the opportunity for countries, especially those at lower levels of development, Ha stated, noting that that the Vietnamese Party and State have issued many policies to promote innovation and digital transformation.

Through the exhibition, Vietnam wants to introduce its achievements in the field to international friends, thus inspiring international delegates and young global parliamentarians in upcoming debates on measures and policies, especially the role of parliamentarians, in perfecting the legal framework for promoting the implementation of SDGs through digital transformation and innovation, Ha went on.

On display are many “Make in Vietnam” products, which have earned recognition in the world, including unmanned aircraft using AI technology developed by CT Group, or 5G network equipment provided by Viettel Group.

Notably, a multilingual platform – Vietnam.vn – introducing Vietnam in seven languages developed by the Ministry of Information and Communications attracted attention of visitors.

The exhibition is expected to serve as an useful bridge for young parliamentarians to share experiences on digital transformation, flexible adaptation solutions after the COVID-19 pandemic and market fluctuations./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency