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Kang Keng International Airport Conducts Full Scale Emergency Exercise KOS-EX24

Sihanoukville: Kang Keng International Airport, also known as Sihanouk International Airport (KOS), conducted a full scale emergency response exercise, KOS-EX24, on March 12 to test and improve its readiness for potential aviation incidents. The exercise was led by H.E. Son Sokhan, Secretary of State at the State Secretariat of Civil Aviation, and H.E. Mang Sineth, Governor of Preah Sihanouk province, with participation from various relevant provincial departments, agencies, and institutions.

According to Agence Kampuchea Presse, the exercise aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the airport’s emergency response plan, particularly in accordance with international and national aviation regulations. H.E. Son Sokhan emphasized the importance of adhering to several key standards and directives, including The 1944 Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation, which mandates member states to ensure high standards of emergency management; Annex 14 of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), which provides guidelines for airport emergency planning; Cambodian Civil Aviation Technical Standards, requiring operators to develop emergency response plans for international airports; and Inter-Ministerial Circular No. 03 SRNN, issued on March 22, 2011, that outlines emergency management procedures within and around Cambodian airports.

The exercise simulated various scenarios, such as aircraft accidents within and outside the airport perimeter, in-flight emergencies, cargo incidents, bomb threats, and acts of terrorism. “The purpose of this exercise is to test the effectiveness of our emergency plan, examine the implementation of procedures, and evaluate the response capabilities of airport operators and relevant authorities,” stated H.E. Son Sokhan. He further reported that the exercise proceeded smoothly and according to the plan.

The KOS-EX24 exercise involved 293 personnel, five ambulances, and five fire trucks, with participation from 25 organizations across Preah Sihanouk province. The State Secretariat of Civil Aviation conducts emergency exercises at three levels: Tabletop exercises every six months, medium-scale exercises annually, and full scale exercises every two years. This exercise ensures that the airport is prepared to handle a wide range of potential emergencies, reinforcing the safety and security of air travel in Cambodia.