Japan Extends Nearly US$200,000 for Physical Rehabilitation Equipment Production and Heath Building Construction

The Government of Japan will provide US$197,785 in total to support two key projects in the provinces of Siem Reap and Preah Vihear, under the framework, the Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (‘KUSANONE’).

The Grant Contracts were signed here on Feb. 8 between Japanese Ambassador to Cambodia H.E. UENO Atsushi and representatives of the recipient organisations.

According to a press release of the Embassy of Japan, some US$71,1371 of the total amount will be given to the Physical Rehabilitation Centre in Siem Reap province for the provision of machines to produce prosthesis and physiotherapy equipment.

This grant will be used to install 12 kinds of prosthesis manufacturing and rehabilitation equipment at the Physical Rehabilitation Centre in Siem Reap. The centre has been facing challenges such as the deterioration of necessary equipment to produce prosthesis and orthotics, and lack of rehabilitation equipment. It led patients to wait longer, and to have limited physiotherapy service.
This project is expected to benefit around 950 patients annually with the improved facility and services.

The rest, US$126,648, will support ‘The Project for the Construction of a New Hospital Building at Rovieng Health Centre in Preah Vihear Province’ to be conducted by Preah Vihear Provincial Health Department.

Under this grant, a new hospital building with 13 rooms and 4 toilets at Rovieng Health Centre in Preah Vihear province will be built. The main building of this health center was constructed in 1960’s and has been facing issues such as water leaks, cracks, and holes, which may force patients and staffs to stay under unsafe condition. This project is expected to ensure safety of both visitors and staffs and benefit around 8,400 people who visit this health center annually.

Japan’s ‘KUSANONE’ Projects started in Cambodia in 1991 in order to support the country’s reconstruction and development at the grassroots level. The assistance aims to protect those who are vulnerable due to various factors such
as poverty and/or misfortunes that directly threaten their lives, livelihood, and dignity, as well as to promote self-reliance of local communities. Since 1991, the Government of Japan has provided over US$69 million for mainly local authorities and non-governmental organizations to implement 689 KUSANONE projects throughout Cambodia.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse