Inter-Agency Situation Report – Uganda Refugee Emergency, 4 – 9 June 2022

The conflict in North Kivu and Ituri provinces in neighbouring Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) continues. The situation remains unpredictable and complex. New arrivals are being received through three main entry points: Bunagana in Kisoro district, Busunga in Bundibugyo district and Mpondwe in Kasese district.

New arrivals received since 28 March are in addition to nearly 20,000 individuals who arrived from the DRC and South Sudan since the start of 2022. Out of the 28,661 new arrivals received in Kisoro since 28 March, 10,023 individuals remain at the holding area and transit centre as of 2 June 2022. A total of 885 individuals have been registered, during the reporting period, to be relocated to Nakivale settlement. Cumulatively, 6,015 individuals have been relocated to the settlements since 28 March 2022.

Currently, the transit and reception centers across the country are within existing capacity.

Operational Context – Kisoro District

The situation along the Kisoro border remained calm, with some fighting reported in the DRC in the afternoon of Friday 3 June 2022, forcing some individuals to flee to Uganda with few willing to be transported to the transit center. – The total population transported and received at the transit center in the week was 1,220 individuals, with an average of 174 individuals per day.

Current population after the head counts in Kisoro as of June 9, 2022 is 10,023 (7621 at the holding area; 2,402 at the transit centre).

A total of 638 individuals (376 households) were enrolled into biometrics registration, bringing the number of new arrivals ready for relocation to Nakivale to 885 (509 households). A convoy to Nakivale is planned for Monday 13 June 2022. Cumulatively, 6,015 new arrivals from 3,031 households have been relocated to settlements since 28 March 2022.

A total of 844 new arrivals have tested for COVID-19 within week with 12 positive results. This is a notable increase from the four positive results last week. Cumulatively, 21,099 tests have been done since 28 March 2022 with 43 positive results. Currently there are 15 active cases in isolation.

During the week, 2,607 individuals were vaccinated against cholera. Cumulatively, 18,842 and 2,964 individuals have received the first and second dose of the oral cholera vaccine respectively since the start of the campaign.

Water supply access level remains stable at 15.2 litres per person per day at the holding area and 17 at the transit centre. Supply is from National Water & Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) and water trucking.

A two-day training was organized by CARE in coordination with UNHCR and Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) on Gender Based Violence (GBV) on 8-9 June 2022. Participants included Police, Probation office, Community Development Office, Sub- County and partner staff. The training aimed at increasing knowledge and understanding on sexual gender–based violence, building skills in GBV prevention and response to ensure greater safety for new arrivals at the holding area and transit centre.

Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees