H.E. Jean-François Tain: H.E. Dr. Hun Manet – the Youngest Top Leader in Next Week’s ASEAN Summit

The following is an opinion piece issued on Sept. 2 by H.E. Jean-François Tain, Minister Delegate Attached to the Prime Minister in charge of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation:

“Dr. Hun Manet – the Youngest Top Leader in Next Week’s ASEAN Summit

On Monday, 04 September 2023, H.E. Kitti Tesaphibal Dr. Hun Manet will go to Indonesia to attend the ASEAN Summit, ASEAN Plus Summit, and East Asia Summit. For Cambodia, which has been an ASEAN Member State since 1999, these summits are some of the most important annual events. For the new Head of Government of Cambodia, they represent a great political opportunity for several reasons.

First, this is the first time that H.E. Dr. Hun Manet will officially be on the international stage in his full capacity as the new Prime Minister of Cambodia – which he has been since 22 August 2023.

Second, H.E. Dr. Hun Manet will be the youngest attendee among the Heads of State/Government of the 10 ASEAN Member States on 05 September in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Last but not least, from 05 to 07 September, during these two days in Jakarta, H.E. Dr. Hun Manet will shake hands with, and officially and unofficially meet at least 17 Heads of State/Government and Senior Leaders from Southeast Asian countries, China, Japan, South Korea, India, the United States of America, Russia, Australia, and New Zealand.

The Cambodian nation can be proud, as H.E. Kitti Tesaphibal Dr. Hun Manet is well prepared to maintain our national core interests before the other nine ASEAN Member States, and to defend ASEAN’s collective interests before the ASEAN Dialogue Partner countries. Our young Head of Government will be attending to address numerous regional and international issues. These include the Myanmar crisis, the regional and global power competition in the Asia Pacific, and the global economic crisis which has negatively impacted our country.

H.E. Kitti Tesaphibal Dr. Hun Manet is more than capable and strongly committed to promoting the image and reputation of the Kingdom of Cambodia on the international stage. Thus, our Cambodian nation must be united to stand by our highly esteemed and energetic leader, whom ASEAN and the world will meet and evaluate next week in Jakarta, Indonesia.”

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse (AKP)