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Forest Restoration Plan in Mondulkiri Developed

Mondulkiri: Guided by a new strategic plan, Cambodia is restoring forest in the eastern plateau landscape of Mondulkiri province, according to a recent update by wildlife conservation organisation WWF-Cambodia. The organisation has planted trees such as Syzygium cumini on 47 hectares of land surface across the three natural protected area communities.

According to Agence Kampuchea Presse, Syzygium cumini, commonly known as Malabar plum, Java plum, black plum, jamun, jaman, jambol, or jambolan, is an evergreen tropical tree in the flowering plant family Myrtaceae and favoured for its fruit, timber, and ornamental value. It is drought-resistant and helps strengthen climate resilience in the forest. A total of 4,736 trees, including 514 seedlings, have been planted so far, said WWF-Cambodia.

The plan guiding the forest restoration efforts was drawn in 2024 by WWF-Cambodia in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment, the provincial environment departments, and other stakeholders.