A total of 18 people who are community scouts and the Green Youth team, including four women, have been recently trained for basic forest patrol.
The training course was organised by NatureLife Cambodia, in collaboration with the Provincial Departments of Environment of Rattanakiri and Mondulkiri and with funding from USAID-Morodok Baitang, on Aug. 8-9, 2024.
According to NatureLife Cambodia, the objective of this training was to equip participants with basic skills for ensuring safety during patrols and to clarify the roles of scouts and youth while on patrol.
Upon completion, the trainees gained new knowledge in self-protection, observation and reporting, and map usage, said the source, adding that they also developed greater confidence in the patrol development plan and are now prepared to join patrols in the coming months.
To address the shortage of human resources for forest patrols, it underlined, the Lomphat REDD+ project will support community scouts and the Green Youth team in these efforts. Com
munity scouts will patrol conservation and core zones alongside rangers, where they will record biodiversity data, educate the public, and collect snares.
Meanwhile, the youth team will patrol within community-protected areas with the CPA (Community Protected Area) committee, focusing on biodiversity recording and educating the community about the sustainable use of natural resources.
Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse