Jakarta (ANTARA) – Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Nadiem Anwar Makarim called to celebrate National Education Day in 2023 with the spirit of continuing the Freedom to Learn movement.”The 24 episodes of Freedom to Learn launched by the ministry are now bringing education closer to the lofty ideals of Ki Hadjar Dewantara,” he remarked while chairing the 2023 National Education Day ceremony here on Tuesday. Makarim drew attention to the fact that over the past three years, there were several changes in education in Indonesia owing to the transformations brought about through the Freedom to Learn Program. He explained that 24 episodes of Freedom to Learn were launched by the ministry for three years and were able to have a positive impact on the education in Indonesia. The minister noted that transformation of education through the Freedom to Learn Program had even brought education closer to the high ideals of Ki Hadjar Dewantara, i.e., education that guides the talents, interests, and potential of students. ccording to Makarim, Ki Hadjar Dewantara’s high ideals aim to enable students to achieve the highest possible safety and happiness as human beings and members of society. baca-jugaRelated news: Minister Makarim encourages teachers to bring innovation in teaching He noted that Indonesian children can now study with greater enthusiasm, as learning activities are evaluated more holistically by their own teachers. “It is also now easier for school principals and regional heads to monitor the implementation of education,” he stated. In the past, school principals and regional heads encountered difficulties in monitoring the quality of their education. However, currently, the quality of education services can be improved through the use of the National Assessment data in the Education Report Card Platform. In addition, the Merdeka Curriculum emphasizes in-depth learning to develop characteristics and competencies, including while selecting state tertiary institutions that currently focus on measuring literacy and reasoning abilities. “Students used to only learn theory in class. Now, they can seek knowledge and experience outside the campus with the presence of the Independent Campus programs,” Makarim explained. baca-jugaRelated news: Freedom Curriculum reduces learning loss effects: Minister Related news: Education Day celebration highlights recovery, Freedom in Learning
Source: Antara News Agency