Cambodia’s Banking System Stays Healthy: NBC

The Cambodian banking system continues to be resilient and has achieved great results, as well as contributed vitally to macroeconomic stability and economic growth, said H.E. Mrs. Chea Serey, Governor of the National Bank of Cambodia (NBC). She made the remarks at the NBC's annual meeting to review its work achievements in 2023 and set forth new direction for 2024, at the Centre for Banking Studies (CBS) here on Jan. 25. 'Overall, the Cambodian banking system continues to be resilient and has achieved great results, as well as contributed significantly to macroeconomic stability and supported economic growth as inflation slowed down compared to 2022,' H.E. Mrs. Chea Serey said. The Riel exchange rate against the U.S. dollar stays stable, while international reserves remains high, she added. During the two-day meeting from Jan. 25 to 26, the General Departments and Units under the NBC will present their respective work achievements in 2023 and work direction for 2024. Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse