Cambodian Tourism Minister Attends ASEAN Tourism Forum in Laos

Cambodian Minister of Tourism H.E. Sok Soken will lead a delegation to attend the ASEAN Tourism Forum 2024, the 27th ASEAN Tourism Ministers Meeting and related meetings in Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic from Jan. 23 to 27.

According to the ministry’s press release made public yesterday, the ASEAN Tourism Forum 2024 is organised under the theme ‘Quality and Responsible ASEAN- Sustaining ASEAN Future’ with the participation of the Tourism Ministers and Leaders from ASEAN member countries, China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, India and other partner countries and organisations.

On the occasion, H.E. Sok Soken will attend the 27th ASEAN Tourism Ministers Meeting, the ASEAN Plus Three Tourism Ministers Meeting, the ASEAN-India Tourism Minsters Meeting and meetings with relevant partner countries and organisations.

H.E. Minister will also take the opportunity to hold bilateral meetings with individual ASEAN member countries and partner organisations to strengthen cooperation in the development of
ASEAN and Cambodia tourism.

H.E. Sok Soken will present the strategic initiative of the Ministry of Tourism, ‘BUILD + 3Ds’, to transform Cambodia into a vibrant, competitive, sustainable, and inclusive tourism destination. The five strategic pillars ‘BUILD’ and three supporting components ‘3Ds’ will become the compass for Cambodia’s tourism development and a shared guidance for developing ASEAN Tourism Strategic Plan. At the same time, Cambodia will receive many ASEAN Tourism Awards during the occasion.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Tourism in collaboration with the private sector, will participate in the Travel Exchange (TRAVEX) with the expectation of 750 attendees, 50 media, 200 booths, 200 sellers and 200 buyers.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse