Cambodian Senate President Sends Congratulatory Message to New Vietnamese NA President

Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, President of the Senate of the Kingdom of Cambodia, has extended his congratulations to H.E. Tran Thanh Man on his election as the President of the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam. 'On behalf of the Senate of the Kingdom of Cambodia and my own behalf, I have a great pleasure to extend my warmest congratulations to Your Excellency on your election as President of the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam during the 7th sitting session of the 15th National Assembly of Viet Nam on May 20,' he wrote in his message made public on Tuesday. 'This well-deserved post reflects the confidence and trust that the Communist Party and the people of Viet Nam have placed upon you in leading the National Assembly for its betterment and for the greater prosperity of Viet Nam,' he added. Since the establishment of their diplomatic relations 57 years ago, he continued, Cambodia and Viet Nam have enjoyed ever-growing traditional cordial relat ions and increasingly close cooperation in all dimensions. 'I look forward to working closely with Your Excellency to further deepen our long-lasting relations under the principles of good-neighbourliness, traditional bond of friendship, mutual understanding and to enhance multifaceted cooperation between our two countries and legislative bodies,' he said. 'I am highly confident that under your leadership, the National Assembly of Viet Nam will continue to support and foster our parliamentary cooperation to be more comprehensive and effective under bilateral and multilateral relations frameworks, further contributing to peace, stability and prosperity of our two countries and the region.' Yesterday, Samdech Moha Rathsapheathika Thipadei Khuon Sudary, President of the National Assembly of Cambodia, also sent a congratulatory message to H.E. Tran Thanh Man, reaffirming the Cambodian National Assembly's commitment to working closely with the Vietnamese National Assembly to nurture their deep mutual political t rust, strengthen parliamentary cooperation, and deliver more concrete results for the two peoples through practical cooperation. Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse