Cambodian Senate President Receives French Special Envoy for Myanmar

Cambodian Senate President Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen received here at the Peace Palace this morning visiting H.E. Christian LECHERVY, Ambassador and Special Envoy of France for Myanmar in Support of International Efforts.

In the courtesy meeting, H.E. Christian LECHERVY said that the appointment of the French special envoy for Myanmar demonstrates international efforts, especially from Europe, to help find a solution for peace in Myanmar.

The special envoy recalled the active contribution of Samdech Techo Hun Sen to find a peaceful solution to the Myanmar crisis since February 2021, especially during Cambodia’s chairmanship of ASEAN in 2022.

H.E. Christian LECHERVY confirmed that France will continue to support ASEAN’s mechanisms and activities as Samdech Techo Hun Sen did in 2022, i.e. providing assistance to victims through the Myanmar Red Cross Society and through civil society organisations.

For his part, the senate president thanked the French side for recognising his role in resolv
ing the crisis in Myanmar. He said the situation in Myanmar was so complicated that a new package of solutions should be considered in line with the current situation, as the ASEAN’s five-point consensus seems outdated. Obviously, he explained, one of the five points is to prevent violence, but now the situation has almost evolved into a civil war.

Samdech Techo Hun Sen expressed his optimism about new approaches that could lead to negotiations. He reiterated that a military solution could not solve the Myanmar problem, and that finding peace through negotiations would take time.

In addition, the former Prime Minister of Cambodia shared his strategies, insights and experience in negotiating with all parties involved in the search for peace for Cambodia in the 1980s and 1990s. He stressed the necessity to meet, negotiate and work with the authorities in resolving the crisis and providing humanitarian assistance.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse