Cambodian Citizens Show Overwhelming Support for Border Infrastructure Fund, Contributing US$21 Million

In a recent TV interview posted on the official Facebook page of the Spokesperson for Samdech Thipadei Prime Minister, H.E. Meas Sophorn highlighted the strong public support and participation in the Foundation for Border Infrastructure Development, established by the Royal Government of Cambodia.

The foundation aims to raise financial support for the construction of key border infrastructure, particularly focusing on the border ring roads.

According to H.E. Meas Sophorn, about 700,000 people from various backgrounds have contributed to the foundation, amounting to more than US$21 million. This remarkable display of national solidarity reflects the Cambodian people’s collective commitment to the protection and development of their homeland.

The spokesperson attributed this active participation to several factors, including:

1. Patriotic Sentiment: Cambodians’ deep love and commitment to national sovereignty, territorial integrity, and their motherland.

2. Trust in Leadership: Strong public confidence in
the leadership of the Royal Government and the visionary leadership of the Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet, who is committed to protecting Cambodia’s borders and sovereignty.

3. National Unity: The Cambodian people have shown full support for the government’s efforts to defend territorial integrity while continuing to enhance socio-economic development.

4. Desire for Development: The public’s eagerness to see accelerated development in border areas, particularly in the northeastern region, which will enhance living standards for local communities.

5. Culture of Sharing: Cambodians have a long-standing tradition of contributing their time, resources, and finances to social and humanitarian causes, as demonstrated during past, including the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Foundation for Border Infrastructure Development, initiated on Aug. 22, 2024 by Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet, is part of the government’s broader plan to complete 1,300 kilometres of border infrastructure over the next decade. The Royal Government has com
mitted over US$200 million to the project, with plans to finish the remaining 50 percent of border infrastructure within ten years.

In the interest of transparency and accountability, H.E. Meas Sophorn revealed that the Royal Government will establish a Foundation Management Committee to keep the public informed about donations, the budget received, and the specific border road sections funded by public contributions. The government is dedicated to ensuring that the funds are used effectively, particularly for the construction of border ring roads and other essential infrastructure.

The enthusiastic participation of the Cambodian people in this foundation reflects their unwavering commitment to safeguarding the nation’s sovereignty and promoting sustainable development in border regions.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse