Cambodia, Cuba Speak Highly of Women’s Role in Peacekeeping and Development

Cambodia and Cuba highly appreciate women’s role in peacekeeping and sustainable, inclusive, and resilient development.

The appreciation was highlighted when H.E. Mrs. Liurka Rodriguez Barrios, outgoing Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba to Cambodia, bid her farewell to Samdech Moha Rathsapheathika Thipadei Khuon Sudary, President of the National Assembly (NA) of Cambodia, on Jan. 10.

Samdech Khuon Sudary noted H.E. Mrs. Liurka Rodriguez Barrios’ effort and active engagement in social and political programmes and women’s work during her diplomatic mission in Cambodia.

The NA president underlined the similar situation in Cambodia and Cuba, stressing that women in the two countries firmly stood up to cooperate with men in all development work.

She commented on the Cuban parliament, where 53 percent of its members are women, making it the 2nd legislative body with the most female lawmakers in the world, after the Rwandan parliament.

Cambodian NA will support Cuba as an observer country for the upcoming 45t
h ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) to be hosted by Laos this year, according to Samdech Khuon Sudary, she added.

H.E. Mrs. Liurka Rodriguez Barrios applauded Cambodian women’s active contribution to social, political, and economic work and reiterated the government of Cuba’s stand in continuing to support Cambodia’s development, especially in health.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse