Banyuwangi, East Java (ANTARA) – The government of Banyuwangi District, East Java, held the 2023 Nusantara Architecture Festival (FAN) as a form of commitment to sustainable development.”This Nusantara Architecture Festival aims to strengthen the trend of environmentally friendly and sustainable architecture for the people of Banyuwangi,” Banyuwangi District Head Ipuk Fiestiandani said here on Sunday. conference on architecture was also held in the festival, involving some well-known architects that have contributed to the district’s sustainable development, Fiestiandani said. The architects’ participation in the conference can generate new ideas for adaptive building designs, she added. “I hope this conference can generate knowledge about the importance of architecture in all sectors,” she said. She stressed, architecture in Banyuwangi must be a landmark that upholds the values of local wisdom that is passed on to the next generation. “All landmarks in Banyuwangi must reflect local wisdom. The uniqueness shows the pride of our culture and attracts tourists and investors which increases the growth and progress of Banyuwangi,” the district head said.
Source: Antara News Agency