APSARA National Authority Launches Heritage Education Programme at a Primary School in Siem Reap

The APSARA National Authority, in collaboration with the Khmer Heritage Organisation, launched a heritage education programme at Wat Lolei Primary School located in Bakong commune, Prasat Bakong district, Siem Reap province, the authority said in a news release on Jan. 18.

Mr. Im Sokrithy, Director of the Department of Research, Training, and Communication, said that the purpose of the heritage education programme is to provide an opportunity for children living and studying in a heritage area to realise that they are living in an extraordinary area and inheriting a great deal from their ancestors, so they must continue to preserve and protect their national heritage.

People living in the Angkor area should be proud of themselves as they were born in the land of ancient temples internationally valued and highly praised, he said, adding that we, the owners of this sacred area, therefore must be willing to study and understand our culture and civilisation to contribute to the preservation of cultural heritag

A total of 69 students from 4th and 5th grade at Wat Lolei Primary School are participating in the heritage education programme, which generally lasts for nine months.

The programme has been running in two locations, Wat Lolei Primary School and Krabei Riel Primary School.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse